sábado, 20 de noviembre de 2010

Vegan MoFo 2010: Vegetable Curry with Chickpea Patties

From the Spanish-language edition of The Gluten Wheat and Dairy Free Cookbook (2004, Parragon), by Nicola Graimes.

Wow, the most exhausting one, so far. Very long list of ingredients, in a weird order that kept losing me. I’m not used to weighing things (many ingredients were in grams instead of cups), so it took longer to calculate how much was needed of everything. But I have to learn, and luckily I have a scale, which was in working order, poor thing.

The patties came out with all sorts of different consistencies, as the batter thickened, and I really do not love fried things, so I’m seriously considering chucking them and just adding plain old chickpeas (which are sitting in my fridge, thank you very much). 

But after all this whining, I have to say the colors are the most divine thing, so I am very happy.
One more close up! 

2 comentarios:

  1. Kika, the vegetable curry looks great! And those chickpea patties look quite crispy. How did they taste?

  2. The curry was divine. The recipe called for cardamom pods, not powdered cardamom, so the burst of flavor is amazing. The patties were a total disappointment: no intense flavor, and knowing the amount of oil that went into frying them was a total turn-off. We had the leftovers with the cooked chickpeas and that was yummy!
